
Feel empowered

Never miss a defining moment.
After reflecting on your celebrations, look to the future and set up any important reminders you might need. For example, are you going to a consultation? Have a follow-up visit with your doctor? Need that reminder for your HRT? Whatever it is, we want TRACE to be a place where you can keep all your reminders organized.

Community members you are an ally to may choose to share important dates with you. By keeping track of your transitioning loved ones' anniversaries and milestones you can stay connected over these important affirming dates. 

Feel connected

Celebration when it matters.
With anniversaries you can start by plugging in the days you want to celebrate in your transition. Maybe it’s the day you came out? The day you started HRT? The first day you shared your new name with someone? Anniversaries are about celebrating what makes your transition special and unique to you!

With access to resources and notifications grow your knowledge and build your confidence in your allyship. Whether you are already connected with the community or you are just beginning, TRACE is here to support you. 

Feel seen

Create your affirming space. For some, photo documenting and sharing is a significant component of tracking their physical transition. On TRACE, we want TRACERs to feel confident and seen by their community of Allies while also having a private way to document transition. TRACE offers both these options with private photo albums and an ally community feed. You get to choose!

However, photo sharing doesn’t have to only be about a physical transition! Post photos of anything that you want to remember along your journey.

A curated feed keeps you engaged and allows you to show up for every step of your loved ones’ individualized transition.  

Feel supported

Build allyship together.
What makes this app unique is its community engagement. We know the significance of having allies while in transition; it can be lifesaving, so there is no better way to make the most of TRACE than connecting with other community members and/or inviting loved ones to join you on the app as an ally!

Connect with other Allies and TRACErs to share your experience, build your community and thrive together.